Source code for scrrpy.cusp

Properties of the stellar cusp

import numpy as np
from astropy.constants import G
from astropy.constants import M_sun
from astropy.constants import c
from numba import jit
from numpy import pi
from scipy.special import eval_legendre

from .utils import interp_reg_loglog

M0 = M_sun
# Define physical constants
# Gravitational radius of a solar mass black hole
RG0 = (G * M_sun / c ** 2).to('pc').value
# Light crossing time of solar mass black hole
TG0 = (G * M_sun / c ** 3).to('year').value

# noinspection PyCompatibility
[docs]class Cusp(object): r""" A power law stellar cusp around a massive black hole (MBH). The cusp is assumed to have an isotropic distribution function :math:`f(E) \propto |E|^p` corresponding ro a stellar density :math:`n(r) \propto r^{-\gamma}` where :math:`\gamma = \tfrac{3}{2} + p` TODO - Implement normalization Total mass at :math:`r_{\mathrm{h}}` TODO - Implement normalization :math:`N(a)` vs :math:`N(r)` Parameters ---------- gamma : float, int, optional The slope of the density profile. Default: 7/4 (Bahcall-Wolf cusp) mbh_mass : float, int Mass of the MBH [solar mass]. Default: :math:`4.3 \times 10^6` (Milky Way MBH) star_mass : float, int Mass of individual stars [solar mass]. Default: 1.0 rh : float, int Radius of influence [pc]. Define as the radius in which the velocity dispersion of the stellar cusp :math:`\sigma` is equal to the Keplerian velocity due to the MBH :math:`\sigma(r_{\mathrm{h}})^2 = G M_{\bullet} / r_{\mathrm{h}}`. Default: 2.0 """ def __init__(self, gamma=1.75, mbh_mass=4e6, star_mass=1.0, rh=2.0): r""" """ self.gamma = float(gamma) self.mbh_mass = float(mbh_mass) self.star_mass = float(star_mass) self.rh = float(rh) self.gr_factor = 1.0 = 1.0 @property def rg(self): """ Gravitational radius of the MBH [pc] """ return RG0 * self.mbh_mass @property def tg(self): r""" Light crossing time of the MBH [sec] """ return TG0 * self.mbh_mass
[docs] def jlc(self, a): r""" Relativistic loss cone Minimal normalized angular momentum on which orbits are stable. :math:`j_{\mathrm{lc}} = J_{\mathrm{lc}} / J_{\mathrm{c}}`, where :math:`J_{\mathrm{lc}} = 4GM_{\bullet}/c` is the last stable orbit in the parabolic limit and :math:`J_{\mathrm{c}} = \sqrt{GM_{\bullet} a}` is the maximal (circular) stable orbit. This is an approximation which works when the orbital binding energy :math:`E` is much smaller than rest energy of the MBH :math:`Mc^2`. Parameters ---------- a: float, array Semi-major axis [pc]. """ return 4 * np.sqrt(self.rg / a)
@property def mass_ratio(self): r""" MBH to star mass ratio """ return self.mbh_mass / self.star_mass @property def total_number_of_stars(self): r""" Number of stars within the radius of influence :math:`r_{\mathrm{h}}` """ return self.total_stellar_mass / self.star_mass @property def total_stellar_mass(self): r""" Total mass within the radius of influence :math:`r_\mathrm{h}` [solar mass] TODO - Implement normalization """ return self.mbh_mass*
[docs] def number_of_stars(self, a): r""" Number of stars with semi-major axis smaller than :math:`a` [pc] Parameters ---------- a: float, array Semi-major axis [pc]. """ return self.total_number_of_stars * (a / self.rh) ** (3 - self.gamma)
[docs] def stellar_mass(self, a): r""" Enclosed mass within :math:`r = a` [pc]. TODO - check :math:`M(r)` vs :math:`M(a)` Parameters ---------- a: float, array Semi-major axis [pc]. """ return self.total_stellar_mass * (a / self.rh) ** (3 - self.gamma)
[docs] def period(self, a): r""" The orbital period in years at :math:`a` [pc] Parameters ---------- a: float, array Semi-major axis [pc]. """ return 2 * pi / self.nu_r(a)
[docs] def nu_r(self, a): r""" The orbital frequency in rad/year at :math:`a` [pc] Parameters ---------- a: float, array Semi-major axis [pc]. """ return (self.rg / a) ** 1.5 /
[docs] def nu_mass(self, a, j): r""" Precession frequency [rad/year] due to stellar mass. Parameters ---------- a: float, array Semi-major axis [pc]. j: float, array Normalized angular momentum :math:`j = J/J_{\mathrm{c}} = \sqrt{1-e^2}`. """ return self._nu_mass0(a) * self._g(j)
[docs] def nu_gr(self, a, j): r""" Precession frequency [rad/year] due to general relativity (first PN term) Parameters ---------- a: float, array Semi-major axis [pc]. j: float, array Normalized angular momentum :math:`j = J/J_\mathrm{c} = \sqrt{1-e^2}`. """ return self.gr_factor * self.nu_r(a) * 3 * (self.rg / a) / j ** 2
[docs] def nu_p(self, a, j): r""" Precession frequency [rad/year] :math:`\nu_{\mathrm{p}} (a, j) = \nu_{\mathrm{gr}} (a, j) + \nu_{\mathrm{mass}} (a, j)` Parameters ---------- a: float, array Semi-major axis [pc]. j: float, array Normalized angular momentum :math:`j = J/J_\mathrm{c} = \sqrt{1-e^2}`. """ return self.nu_gr(a, j) + self.nu_mass(a, j)
[docs] def nu_p1(self, a): r""" Precession frequency at :math:`j=1` """ return self.nu_gr(a, 1.0) + self._nu_mass0(a) * (3 - self.gamma) / 2
[docs] def d_nu_p(self, a, j): r""" The derivative of :math:`\nu_\mathrm{p}` with respect to :math:`j`, defined to be positive """ d_nu_gr = 6 * self.gr_factor * (self.rg / a) / (j * j * j) d_nu_mass = - self.stellar_mass(a) / self.mbh_mass * self._gp(j) return (d_nu_gr - d_nu_mass) * self.nu_r(a)
[docs] def inverse_cumulative_a(self, x): r""" The inverse of :math:`N(a)`. Useful to generate a random sample of semi-major axis. Parameters ---------- x: float, array x in [0, 1] Example ------- >>> cusp = Cusp(gamma=1.75) >>> np.random.seed(1234) >>> sma = cusp.inverse_cumulative_a(np.random.rand(100)) >>> print("{:0.10}, {:0.10}, {:0.10}".format(sma.min(), sma.mean(), sma.max())) 0.03430996478, 1.147418232, 1.987320281 """ return x ** (1 / (3 - self.gamma)) * self.rh
def _nu_mass0(self, a): r""" The frequency of the mass precession divided by :math:`g(j)`. """ return -self.nu_r(a) * self.stellar_mass(a) / self.mbh_mass def _g(self, j): r""" g(j) = -j^(6-2\gamma)/pi/sqrt(1-j^2)*\int_0^\pi cos(s) / (1+sqrt(1+j^2)^(3-\gamma) For \gamma = 2: g(j) = j/(1+j) For \gamma = 1: g(j) = j For any \gamma g(1) = (3-\gamma)/2 """ p1 = self._eval_legendre_inv(1 - self.gamma, j) p2 = self._eval_legendre_inv(2 - self.gamma, j) return - j ** (4 - self.gamma) / (1 - j ** 2) * (p1 - p2 / j) def _gp(self, j): """ dg(j)/dj """ n2 = 2 - self.gamma p1 = self._eval_legendre_inv(1 - self.gamma, j) p2 = self._eval_legendre_inv(2 - self.gamma, j) return gp(j, p1, p2, n2) @property def a_gr1(self): r""" The sma below which :math:`\nu_\mathrm{p}` is only positive, that is :math:`\nu_\mathrm{p} (a,j=1) = 0` """ return ((self.gr_factor * 6 / (3 - self.gamma) * self.mass_ratio / self.total_number_of_stars * self.rg / self.rh) ** (1 / (4 - self.gamma)) * self.rh) def _eval_legendre_inv(self, n, j): # return eval_legendre(n, 1/j) try: return self._eval_legendre_inv_cache[n](j) except (AttributeError, KeyError) as err: if type(err) is AttributeError: self._eval_legendre_inv_cache = {} j_samp = np.logspace(np.log10(, 0, 1000) pn = eval_legendre(n, 1 / j_samp) self._eval_legendre_inv_cache[n] = interp_reg_loglog(j_samp, pn) return self._eval_legendre_inv(n, j)
@jit(nopython=True) def gp(j, p1, p2, n2): return (j ** n2 / (1 - j ** 2) ** 2 * ((j ** 2 + 1) * p2 - j * (2 + n2 * (1 - j ** 2)) * p1))