Source code for scrrpy.drr

A module for calculating Resonant Relaxation diffusion coefficients

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import multiprocessing as mp
from ast import literal_eval as make_dict
from builtins import range
from builtins import super
from builtins import zip
from collections import namedtuple
from functools import lru_cache

import h5py
import numpy as np
# noinspection PyPackageRequirements
import progressbar
import vegas
from numba import jit
from numpy import mod
from numpy import sqrt
from scipy import special

from . import Cusp

Res = namedtuple('Res', ('l', 'n', 'np', 'neval'))

[docs]class DRR(Cusp): r""" Resonant relaxation diffusion coefficient (DRR). Assuming a power law stellar cusp around a massive black hole (MBH). The cusp is assumed to have an isotropic distribution function :math:`f(E) \propto |E|^p` corresponding ro a stellar density :math:`n(r) \propto r^{-\gamma}` where :math:`\gamma = \tfrac{3}{2} + p` Parameters ---------- sma : float The semi-mahor axis along which DRR will be computed gamma : float, int, optional The slope of the density profile. Default: 7/4 (Bahcall wolf cusp) mbh_mass : float, int, optional Mass of the MBH [solar mass]. Default: :math:`4.3 \times 10^6` (Milky Way MBH) star_mass : float, int, optional Mass of individual stars [solar mass]. Default: 1.0 rh : float, int, optional Radius of influence [pc]. Define as the radius in which the velocity dispersion of the stellar cusp :math:`\sigma` is equal to the Keplerian velocity due to the MBH :math:`\sigma(r_\mathrm{h})^2 = G M_{\bullet} / r_\mathrm{h}`. Default: 2.0 """ def __init__(self, sma, gamma=1.75, mbh_mass=4e6, star_mass=1.0, j_grid_size=128, rh=2.0, seed=None): super().__init__(gamma=gamma, mbh_mass=mbh_mass, star_mass=star_mass, rh=rh) self.sma = sma self.gr_factor = 1.0 self.j = np.logspace(np.log10(, 0, j_grid_size + 1)[:-1] if seed is None: self.seed = np.random.randint(int(1e8)) else: self.seed = seed np.random.seed(self.seed) self.seeds = np.random.randint(int(1e8), size=self.j.size) @property def omega(self): try: return self._omega except AttributeError: self._omega = self.nu_p(self.sma, self.j) return self._omega @omega.setter def omega(self, omega): self._omega = omega @lru_cache() def _res_intrp(self, ratio): return ResInterp(self, * ratio, self.gr_factor) def _integrand(self, j, sma_p, j_p, lnnp, true_anomaly): d_nu_p = abs(self.d_nu_p(sma_p, j_p)) a2_int = a2_integrand(self.sma, j, sma_p, j_p, lnnp, true_anomaly) return j_p * a2_int / d_nu_p
[docs] def __call__(self, l_max, neval=1e3, threads=1, progress_bar=True, seed=None): r""" Returns the RR diffusion coefficient :math:`D_{JJ}/J_{\mathrm{c}}^2` [1/yr]. Parameters ---------- l_max : int Maximal order of spherical harmonics to compute neval : int The maximum number of integrand evaluations in each iteration of the `vegas` algorithm. Default: 1000 threads : int Number of parallel threads to use. Default: 1 (no parallelization) progress_bar : bool Show progress bar. Default: ``True`` """ # Get all non-vanishing resonances up to l=l_max lnnp = [(l, n, n_p) for l in range(1, l_max + 1) for n in range(1, l + 1) for n_p in range(-l - 1, l + 1) if (not mod(l + n, 2) + mod(l + n_p, 2)) and n_p != 0 ] if progress_bar: pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar()(range(len(lnnp))) else: pbar = range(len(lnnp)) for i in pbar: self._drr_lnnp(*lnnp[i], neval=neval, threads=threads) drr = np.vstack([self._drr_lnnp(*lnnp, neval=neval, threads=threads)[0] for lnnp in lnnp]) # Remove non-physical values drr[drr < 0] = 0 # sum all resonances drr = drr.sum(axis=0) drr_err = sqrt(sum(self._drr_lnnp(*lnnp, neval=neval, threads=threads)[-1] ** 2 for lnnp in lnnp)) return drr, drr_err
def _drr_lnnp(self, l, n, n_p, neval=1e3, threads=1): r""" Calculates the :math:`(l,n,n_p)` term of the diffusion coefficient """ neval = int(neval) # Pre compute the resonance interpolation grid try: drr, drr_err = self._drr_lnnp_cache[Res(l, n, n_p, neval)] return drr, drr_err except AttributeError: self._drr_lnnp_cache = {} except KeyError: pass ratio = n / n_p self._res_intrp(ratio) if threads > 1: queue = mp.Queue() def parallel_drr(pos, j_s, omega_s, seed_s): _results = [ self._drr(j, omega, (l, n, n_p), neval=neval, seed=seed) for j, omega, seed in zip(j_s, omega_s, seed_s) ] _drr = [result[0] for result in _results] _drr_err = [result[-1] for result in _results] queue.put((pos, (_drr, _drr_err))) js = [self.j[i::threads] for i in range(threads)] omegas = [[i::threads] for i in range(threads)] seeds = [self.seeds[i::threads] for i in range(threads)] processes = [ mp.Process(target=parallel_drr, args=(i, j_s, omega_s, seed_s)) for i, (j_s, omega_s, seed_s) in enumerate(zip(js, omegas, seeds))] for process in processes: process.start() for process in processes: process.join() drr, drr_err = zip(*[(drr, drr_err) for (i, (drr, drr_err)) in sorted(map(queue.get, processes))]) drr, drr_err = (np.concatenate(list(zip(*drr))), np.concatenate(list(zip(*drr_err)))) else: results = [self._drr(j, omega, (l, n, n_p), neval=neval, seed=seed) for j, omega, seed in zip(self.j,, self.seeds)] drr, drr_err = np.array(list(zip(*results))) self._drr_lnnp_cache[Res(l, n, n_p, neval)] = (drr, drr_err) return drr, drr_err def _drr(self, j, omega, lnnp, neval=1e3, seed=None): l, n, n_p = lnnp ratio = n / n_p get_jf = self._res_intrp(ratio)(omega * ratio) if seed is not None: # make a unique seed np.random.seed([seed, l, n, 2 * l + n_p]) pi = np.pi @vegas.batchintegrand def c_lnnp(x): true_anomaly = x[:, :-1].T * pi sma_f = self.inverse_cumulative_a(x[:, -1]) jf = get_jf(sma_f) res = np.zeros(x.shape[0], float) ix = np.where(jf > 0)[0] if len(ix) > 0: res[ix] = self._integrand(j, sma_f[ix], jf[ix], lnnp, true_anomaly[:, ix]) return res self.c_lnnp = c_lnnp integ = vegas.Integrator(5 * [[0, 1]]) if get_jf is None: result = np.zeros(2) else: result = np.array(integrate(c_lnnp, integ, neval)) return result * (8 * pi * n ** 2 / abs(n_p) * _a2_norm_factor(*lnnp) * self.nu_r(self.sma) ** 2 / self.mass_ratio ** 2 * self.total_number_of_stars) @property def l_max(self): try: return max([key.l for key in self._drr_lnnp_cache.keys()]) except AttributeError: pass @property def neval(self): try: return max([key.neval for key in self._drr_lnnp_cache.keys()]) except AttributeError: pass
[docs] def save(self, file_name): r""" Save the current instance to an hdf5 file. Example ------- >>> drr = DRR(0.1, j_grid_size=32) >>> d, d_err = drr(l_max=3) >>>'example.hdf5') >>> drr = DRR.from_file('example.hdf5') >>> d, d_err = drr(l_max=drr.l_max, neval=drr.neval) """ with h5py.File(file_name, 'w') as h5: drr_lnnp_cache = h5.create_group("_drr_lnnp_cache") for key, value in self._drr_lnnp_cache.items(): drr_lnnp_cache[str(dict(key._asdict()))] = value for key, value in self.__dict__.items(): try: h5[key] = value except TypeError: pass
def _read(self, file_name): r""" Read the cached data from an hdf5 file """ with h5py.File(file_name, 'r') as h5: for key, value in h5['_drr_lnnp_cache'].items(): try: self._drr_lnnp_cache[Res(**make_dict(key))] = value.value except AttributeError: self._drr_lnnp_cache = {Res(**make_dict(key)): value.value} for key, value in h5.items(): if key != '_drr_lnnp_cache': setattr(self, key, value.value)
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, file_name): r""" Load from file and return an instance Example ------- >>> drr = DRR(0.1, j_grid_size=32) >>> d, d_err = drr(l_max=3) >>>'example.hdf5') >>> drr = DRR.from_file('example.hdf5') >>> d, d_err = drr(l_max=drr.l_max, neval=drr.neval) """ drr = cls(1.0) drr._read(file_name) return drr
def integrate(func, integ, neval=1e4): integ(func, nitn=10, neval=neval) result = integ(func, nitn=10, neval=neval) try: res, err = np.array([[r.val, np.sqrt(r.var)] for r in result]).T except TypeError: res, err = result.val, np.sqrt(result.var) return res, err @jit(nopython=True) def a2_integrand(sma, j, sma_p, j_p, lnnp, true_anomaly): r""" Returns the :math:`|a_{\ell n n^{\prime}}|^{2}` integrand to use in the MC integration """ l, n, n_p = lnnp cnnp = np.cos(true_anomaly.T * np.array([n, n, n_p, n_p])).T cnnp = cnnp[0] * cnnp[1] * cnnp[2] * cnnp[3] j2 = j ** 2 j_p2 = j_p ** 2 ecc, eccp = np.sqrt(1 - j2), np.sqrt(1 - j_p2) r12 = (sma * j2 / (1 - ecc * np.cos(true_anomaly[:2]))) rp12 = (sma_p * j_p2 / (1 - eccp * np.cos(true_anomaly[2:]))) r_1, r_2 = r12[0], r12[-1] rp1, rp2 = rp12[0], rp12[-1] return (cnnp / j2 / j_p2 / sma ** 2 / sma_p ** 4 * (np.minimum(r_1, rp1) * np.minimum(r_2, rp2)) ** (2 * l + 1) / (r_1 * r_2 * rp1 * rp2) ** (l - 1)) @lru_cache() def _a2_norm_factor(l, n, n_p): r""" Normalization factor for :math:`|a_{\ell n n^{prime}} |^{2}` """ return (abs(special.sph_harm(n, l, 0, np.pi / 2)) ** 2 * abs(special.sph_harm(n_p, l, 0, np.pi / 2)) ** 2 * (4 * np.pi / (2 * l + 1)) ** 2) / (2 * l + 1) class ResInterp(object): r""" Generates an interpolation function :math:`j^{\prime} (a^{\prime})` where :math:`j^{\prime}` satisfies the resonant condition: :math:`\nu^{\prime} (a^{\prime}, j^{\prime}) == \omega` Parameters ---------- cusp : a `Cusp` instance omega : ndarray The resonance frequencies Example ------- >>> from scrrpy import Cusp >>> from scrrpy.drr import ResInterp >>> import numpy as np >>> cusp = Cusp(gamma=1.75, mbh_mass=4e6, rh=2.0) >>> j = np.logspace(-2, 0, 11)[:-1] >>> omega = cusp.nu_p(a=0.1, j=j) >>> resint = ResInterp(cusp, omega) >>> jf = np.array([resint(o)(0.1) for o in omega]) >>> abs(1 - jf/j).max() < 1e-4 True """ def __init__(self, cusp, omega, gr_factor=1.0): r""" """ self._cusp = cusp self.size = 1000 self._cusp.gr_factor = gr_factor = omega self._af = np.logspace(np.log10(16 * self._cusp.rg), np.log10(self._cusp.rh), 1001)[1:] self.x = np.logspace(-5, 0, self.size + 1)[:-1][::-1] self.j_grid = self.make_grid() def __call__(self, omega): log_ap, jp = self.j_grid[omega] if jp.size == 0: return return lambda af: np.interp(np.log(af), log_ap, jp, left=0, right=0) def make_grid(self): j_grid = [] for af in self._af: jlc = j = (1 - jlc) * self.x + jlc nup = self._cusp.nu_p(af, j) j_grid.append(np.exp(np.interp(, nup, np.log(j), left=-np.inf, right=-np.inf))) j_grid = np.array(list(zip(*j_grid))) return dict((omega, (np.log(self._af[j > 0]), j[j > 0])) for omega, j in zip(, j_grid))